Search Results
44 functions found:
1. | Bin ( number ; binNames ; binSizes ) |
Average rating: 4.5 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns the name of the bin containing the number. | |
2. | BinomDist ( successes ; trials ; probability ; cumulative ) |
Average rating: 3.6 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns the binomial probability distribution of obtaining the number of successes out of a fixed number of trials, where the result of each trial can be only success or failure, and the probability of success is constant throughout the experiment. BinomDist can calculate the probability that two out of the next three babies born will be male. | |
3. | CollapseList ( listOfValues ) |
Average rating: 3.9 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Collapses a list of values by replacing serially incrementing sections with their range boundaries. | |
4. | ColumnsAcross ( listOfValues ; numberOfColumns ; columnDelimiter ) |
Average rating: 4.0 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Transforms a list of values into a tabular text array. | |
5. | CorrespondingValue ( indexValues ; searchValue ; listOfValues ) |
Average rating: 4.1 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Finds the first occurrence of searchValue in indexValues and returns the corresponding value in listOfValues. | |
6. | CountWordOccurrences ( text ; searchWord ) |
Average rating: 4.9 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns the number of occurrences of searchWord as word in text. | |
7. | DateAsNthWeekdayOfMonth ( date ) |
Average rating: 4.5 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns date formatted as "Nth DayName of MonthName". | |
8. | DecToAlpha ( decimal ) |
Average rating: 4.2 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns the representation of a decimal number as a variable-length alphabetic text string. | |
9. | DecToAnyBase ( decimal ; base ) |
Average rating: 4.1 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns the representation of a decimal (base-10) number in the alphabet of the specified base. | |
10. | Ex@ct ( originalText ; comparisonText ; wildChar ) |
Average rating: 4.6 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Compares two text strings, allowing for a wildcard character. | |
11. | ExtractTableCell ( HTML ; cellNumber ) |
Average rating: 3.9 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns the contents of the specified cell in HTML table. | |
12. | FilterASCII ( text ; extended ) |
Average rating: 4.3 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Removes characters from text, retaining only printable ASCII characters. | |
13. | FiscalQuarter ( date ; startingMonth ; startingDay ; nameByEnd ) |
Average rating: 4.2 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns the fiscal year and quarter in which date occurs. | |
14. | GapsInSequence ( listOfValues ) |
Average rating: 0.0 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns a list of gaps found in an incrementing sequence. | |
15. | GetColumn ( text ; columnNumber ; columnDelimiter ) |
Average rating: 4.3 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns a list of values from the requested column in text. | |
16. | GetRGB ( text ) |
Average rating: 4.3 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns set/s of RGB values representing the colors of text. If text contains multiple colors, multiple sets of RGB values are returned. | |
17. | GetValues ( listOfValues ; valueNumbers ) |
Average rating: 4.3 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns values in the positions given by valueNumbers. | |
18. | HiliteMulti ( text ; searchValues ; color ) |
Average rating: 4.5 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns text with every occurrence of each value in searchValues in text changed to the specified color. | |
19. | HiliteSingle ( text ; searchString ; color ) |
Average rating: 3.8 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns text with every occurrence of searchString in text changed to the specified color. | |
20. | HypGeomDist ( sampleSuccesses ; sampleSize ; populationSuccesses ; ... ) |
Average rating: 4.0 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns the hypergeometric probability distribution of obtaining the number of successes in a sample, based on the success rate of the general population. Given the overall failure rate of a production line, HypGeomDist can calculate the probability of 3 items being defective in a shipment containing 100 items. | |
21. | IndexOf ( searchValue ; listOfValues ) |
Average rating: 0.0 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns the valueNumber of each occurrence of searchValue in listOfValues. | |
22. | IsPlainText ( text ) |
Average rating: 4.5 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns True (1) if text has no text formatting applied to it; otherwise returns False (0). | |
23. | IsPowerOfTwo ( number ) |
Average rating: 4.0 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns True(1) if number is a power of two; otherwise returns False(0). | |
24. | LongestValue ( listOfValues ) |
Average rating: 4.1 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns the longest value in listOfValues. | |
25. | MiddleRepetitions ( repeatingField ; startRepetition ; endRepetition ) |
Average rating: 4.1 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns specified repetitions of repeatingField. | |
26. | NetPresentValue ( listOfPayments ; interestRate ) |
Average rating: 4.0 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Same as Filemaker's native NPV() function - but payments do not need to be listed in a repeating field. | |
27. | NormalizeSpace ( text ) |
Average rating: 4.3 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Strips leading and trailing whitespace characters and replaces sequences of whitespace characters with a single space. | |
28. | RandNormal ( mean ; stdDev ) |
Average rating: 4.2 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Generates a random number drawn from a normal (Gaussian) distribution with a given mean and standard deviation. | |
29. | RelativePath ( sourcePath ; targetPath ; separator ) |
Average rating: 4.3 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns the relative path from the source file to the target file. | |
30. | RemoveValue ( listOfValues ; valueNumber ) |
Average rating: 4.1 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Removes the value in the position given by valueNumber from listOfValues. | |
31. | RemoveValues ( listOfValues ; valueNumbers ) |
Average rating: 4.3 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Removes values in positions given by valueNumbers from listOfValues. | |
32. | Repeat ( text ; numberOfTimes ) |
Average rating: 4.0 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Repeats text number of times | |
33. | ReplaceValues ( listOfValues ; startingValueNumber ; numberOfValues ; replacementValues ) |
Average rating: 4.1 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Replaces multiple values in listOfValues with replacementValues. | |
34. | RoundToEven ( number ; precision ) |
Average rating: 3.9 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Rounds number to specified precision, using the round-to-even rule - also known as Bankers' rounding. | |
35. | ScientificNotation ( number ; precision ) |
Average rating: 4.0 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Displays any number in scientific notation. | |
36. | SerializeValues ( textToIncrement ; listOfValues ; incrementBy ) |
Average rating: 4.1 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Prefixes values in a list with a serial text/number combination. | |
37. | SubstituteValues ( listOfValues ; searchValues ; replaceValues ) |
Average rating: 4.1 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Substitutes multiple searchValues in listOfValues with the corresponding replaceValues. | |
38. | TransposeArray ( array ; columnDelimiter ) |
Average rating: 4.2 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Transposes a tabular text array. Requires the GetColumn () custom function. | |
39. | UnorderedPairs ( listOfValues ) |
Average rating: 4.9 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns a list of all unordered pairs that can be selected from list of values. | |
40. | UpcomingDate ( listOfDates ) |
Average rating: 4.4 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns the earliest future date in listOfDates. | |
41. | Verhoeff ( numericString ; index ; checkSum ) |
Average rating: 3.7 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns the Verhoeff dihedral check digit of numericString. Use this function to verify a numeric string protected by a Verhoeff check digit, or to generate the correct Verhoeff check digit for a given numeric string. | |
42. | WeekDateISO ( date ) |
Average rating: 4.1 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns date in extended ISO 8601 week date format. | |
43. | WeekDaysInRange ( startDate ; endDate ; weekDays ) |
Average rating: 4.5 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns a list of only those dates in the specified range whose day-of-week is included in the weekDays parameter. | |
44. | WeekStart ( weekOfYear ; year ) |
Average rating: 4.7 | |
Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation | |
Returns the date of Sunday in the specified week. | |