Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

GetRGB ( text )

Returns set/s of RGB values representing the colors of text. If text contains multiple colors, multiple sets of RGB values are returned.

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Michael Horak   Michael Horak - Show more from this author
*COMMENT Visual Realisation

  Sample input:
Some text where this word is formatted as red, this one is dark green and this is blueish, but you can't see it here.
  Sample output:
255 ; 0 ; 0
0 ; 102 ; 0
0 ; 51 ; 255

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

GetRGB function

*COMMENT Visual Realisation

GetRGB ( text )

text - any text expression or text field

Data type returned

Returns set/s of RGB values representing the colors of text. If text contains multiple colors, multiple sets of RGB values are returned.

The GetRGB function ignores field text color, as defined in layout mode. The values returned represent colors that were expressly defined to override the default color setting (e.g. by selecting the text and choosing a text color, or by using the TextColor() function).



Dennis Burnham   Dennis Burnham, Addison, TX
Jul 5, 2011
I'd like to use this function but it contains a syntax error that I can't seem to overcome when I put it into my Custom Functions.

After adding the function parameters "text" and "GetRGB" -- FileMaker says that an operator is required in this line:

GetRGB ( nextText )

I'm stumped not knowing which operator is required.
Dennis Burnham   Dennis Burnham, Addison, TX
Jul 5, 2011
Ignore or delete previous comment. I figured it out.
Wayne   Wayne, Tulsa, OK
Aug 11, 2013
This works great, except I cannot use it for boolean, for some reason. I am trying to use it in a script, as in If GetRGB(myText) = "255 ; 0 ; 0 ", but it is always false, even when I copy the result from the Data Viewer. Any ideas? It says it is 12 characters long and appear to be spaces, but I cannot get it to come back true. GetRGB returns the result, then I copy the result and past it into the IF, but it doesn't think it's own answer is true.

Thanks for any help.

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