Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

ScientificNotation ( number ; precision )

Displays any number in scientific notation.

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Michael Horak   Michael Horak - Show more from this author
*COMMENT Visual Realisation

  Sample input:
ScientificNotation ( 0.00006666 ; 2 )
  Sample output:
6.67 E-5

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Returns (as text) the specified number, rounded off to the specified precision (number of decimal places), formatted in scientific notation.

Filemaker automatically formats numbers greater than 10^9 or smaller than 10^-9 in scientific notation. The ScientificNotation() function enables the display of any number in this format.

Extended precision is used to compute the significand prior to rounding. Thus, the precision parameter supports precisions of up to 400 decimal places. For example, if number is a calculation = SetPrecision ( 22 / 7 ; 400 ), then
ScientificNotation ( number ; 50 ) will return 3.14285714285714285714285714285714285714285714285714 E0.

This function is not recursive.



Maarten   Maarten, Private
Nov 16, 2009
there's a little typo in the let (): it says
let ( a ...
instead of
let ( [ ....

good stuff all the same.
Ronald W. Satz   Ronald W. Satz, Trevose, PA
Jul 11, 2013
Here's a slightly improved version for better formatting.

ScientificNotation function

*COMMENT Visual Realisation -- slightly revised by Ronald W. Satz, Transpower Corporation

ScientificNotation ( number ; precision )

number - any numeric expression or field containing a numeric expression

precision - any numeric expression or field containing a numeric expression

Data type returned

Returns number, rounded off to the specified precision (number of decimal places), formatted in scientific notation.

April 24, 2005

Case (
number = 0 ; 0 ;
/*number > 0 and number < 10 ; Round(number;5) ; */

Let ( [
exponent = Floor ( Log ( Abs ( number ) ) ) ;
significand = Round ( SetPrecision ( number / 10^exponent ; 400 ) ; precision ) ;
significand2 =
Length ( significand ) = 6 ; significand & "0" ;
Length ( significand ) = 5 ; significand & "00" ;
] ;

significand2 & "e" & Case ( exponent ≥ 0 ; "+" ) & exponent
Ronald W. Satz   Ronald W. Satz, Trevose, PA
Jul 12, 2013
I modified the function again, specifically for a precision level of 5:

ScientificNotation function

*COMMENT Visual Realisation -- slightly revised by Ronald W. Satz, Transpower Corporation

ScientificNotation ( number ; precision )

number - any numeric expression or field containing a numeric expression

precision - any numeric expression or field containing a numeric expression

Data type returned

Returns number, rounded off to the specified precision (number of decimal places), formatted in scientific notation.

April 24, 2005

Case (
number = 0 ; 0 ;
/*number > 0 and number < 10 ; Round(number;5) ; */

Let ( [
exponent = Floor ( Log ( Abs ( number ) ) ) ;
significand = Round ( SetPrecision ( number / 10^exponent ; 400 ) ; precision ) ;
significand2 =
Length ( significand ) = 6 ; significand & "0" ; // this and those below will work for a precision of 5--modify if necessary
Length ( significand ) = 5 ; significand & "00" ;
Length ( significand ) = 4 ; significand & "000" ;
Length ( significand ) = 3 ; significand & "0000" ;
] ;

significand2 & "e" & Case ( exponent ≥ 0 ; "+" ) & exponent

) // end Let
) // end Case

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