Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

GetColumn ( text ; columnNumber ; columnDelimiter )

Returns a list of values from the requested column in text.

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Michael Horak   Michael Horak - Show more from this author
*COMMENT Visual Realisation

  Sample input:
GetColumn (
"1|2|3¶a|b|c¶x|y|z" ;
2 ;
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Returns a carriage return-delimited list of values from the requested column in a tabular text array.



Henry   Henry, Breda
Feb 7, 2016
Ran into an issue with the 2008 version above, it caused Filemaker to use many GB's memory within 30 seconds and becoming unresponsive when getting columns from a (large) set of data. Found modified version which solved this entirely on the following page, from Mike_Mitchell
Malcolm   Malcolm
Aug 10, 2022
Does anyone know of the solution to the above comment? I'm also trying to use this with large sets of data. The above link is not archived on WayBack and search doesn't pull up anything.
Michael Horak   Michael Horak, *COMMENT Visual Realisation
Aug 10, 2022
I am guessing it's here:

If you have a large set of data, you probably don't want to use a recursive custom function at all. Even with a tail-recursive rewrite, the maximum number of recursions will be 50,000.
Malcolm   Malcolm
Aug 10, 2022
Great, thanks - posted below for posterity. Thanks for heads up about recursion limits.


Here's a custom function I use for that purpose:



GetColumn function


*COMMENT Visual Realisation


cfGetColumn ( text ; columnNumber ; columnDelimiter ; result )


text - any text expression or text field

columnNumber - any numeric expression or field containing a number

columnDelimiter - any text expression or text field

result - initially empty; used for tail recursion

Data type returned



Returns a carriage return-delimited list of values from the requested column in a tabular text array.

July 7, 2008

Modified February, 2014 to use tail recursion

Mike Mitchell, Net Caster Solutions


Let ( [

row = GetValue ( text ; 1 ) ;

cell = MiddleValues ( Substitute ( row ; columnDelimiter ; ¶ ) ; columnNumber ; 1 ) ;

cell = Substitute ( cell ; ¶ ; "" ) ;

countRows = ValueCount ( text )

] ;

Case (

countRows > 0 ;

cfGetColumn ( RightValues ( text ; countRows - 1 ) ; columnNumber ; columnDelimiter ; List ( result ; cell )) ;






Malcolm   Malcolm
Aug 10, 2022
Great, thanks - posted below for posterity. Thanks for heads up about recursion limits.


Here's a custom function I use for that purpose:



GetColumn function


*COMMENT Visual Realisation


cfGetColumn ( text ; columnNumber ; columnDelimiter ; result )


text - any text expression or text field

columnNumber - any numeric expression or field containing a number

columnDelimiter - any text expression or text field

result - initially empty; used for tail recursion

Data type returned



Returns a carriage return-delimited list of values from the requested column in a tabular text array.

July 7, 2008

Modified February, 2014 to use tail recursion

Mike Mitchell, Net Caster Solutions


Let ( [

row = GetValue ( text ; 1 ) ;

cell = MiddleValues ( Substitute ( row ; columnDelimiter ; ¶ ) ; columnNumber ; 1 ) ;

cell = Substitute ( cell ; ¶ ; "" ) ;

countRows = ValueCount ( text )

] ;

Case (

countRows > 0 ;

cfGetColumn ( RightValues ( text ; countRows - 1 ) ; columnNumber ; columnDelimiter ; List ( result ; cell )) ;







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