Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

HiliteMulti ( text ; searchValues ; color )

Returns text with every occurrence of each value in searchValues in text changed to the specified color.

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Michael Horak   Michael Horak - Show more from this author
*COMMENT Visual Realisation

  Sample input:
HiliteMulti (
"Dogs, horses and cats" ;
"dog¶CAT" ;
RGB (255;0;0)
  Sample output:
{Dog}s, horses and {cat}s

(the strings in curly braces are in red color)

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Returns text with every occurrence of each value in searchValues in text changed to the specified color.

The searchValues parameter accepts a list of multiple values, separated by carriage returns.

Requires the HiliteSingle() custom function.

The HiliteMulti() function is NOT case-sensitive. Occurrences of searchValues are matched regardless of case, and returned in their original case.



Daan Van den Nest   Daan Van den Nest, Ghent, Belgium
Mar 22, 2009
Doesn't work: none of the values are highlighted... Is this a known issue?


gs   gs, ha noi
Jan 15, 2010
Brian   Brian, Louisville
Jul 15, 2011
I like it.
Tiago   Tiago, Antwerp
Aug 11, 2011
Good Function, just what I was looking for.
Stefano   Stefano, Screen srl
Apr 5, 2013
Very good function! Thanks a lot.
Chris CoZi   Chris CoZi, Rutland, VT
Aug 13, 2014
HiliteMulti function
Updated to allow multiple color entries.

*COMMENT Visual Realisation

HiliteMulti ( text ; searchValues ; colors )

text - any text expression or text field;
searchValues - any text expression or text field;
colors - any integer number from 0 to 16777215 or RGB value.

Data type returned

Returns text with every occurrence of each value in searchValues in text changed to the specified color.
The searchValues parameter accepts a list of multiple values, separated by carriage returns.
The colors parameter accepts a corresponding list of multiple values.
NOTE: Color values are entered as non-text entries formatted as example: RGB (0;0;0) & ¶ & RGB (255;255;255)

Requires the HiliteSingle() custom function.
The HiliteMulti() function is NOT case-sensitive. Occurrences of searchValues are matched regardless of case, and returned in their original case.

Updated August 12, 2014

Let ( [
searchString = Substitute ( LeftValues ( searchValues ; 1 ) ; ¶ ; "" ) ;
replaceColor = Substitute ( LeftValues ( colors ; 1 ) ; ¶ ; "" ) ;
newText = HiliteSingle ( text; searchString; replaceColor )

] ;
Case (
ValueCount ( searchValues ) > 1 ;
HiliteMulti ( newText ; RightValues ( searchValues ; ValueCount ( searchValues ) - 1 ) ; RightValues ( colors ; ValueCount ( colors ) - 1 ) ) ;
Laura   Laura
Oct 27, 2017
The comment did not post properly, so here is the edit:
The updated code for multiple colors is giving error "There are too many parameters in this function". I have defined the function variables "text", "searchValues", and "colors", but this does not seem to be the problem.

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