AbbreviateText ( text )
Returns the first letter of each word in a text in upper case, each separated by a period and a space.
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François Goulet |
Ex.2: AbbreviateText ( "Mary Jane Andrews" )
Ex.2: M. J. A.
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
This custom function (Inspired by Ray Cologon's "Acronym" c.f.) will return the first letter of each word in a text (in upper case), seperated by a period and a space. Please note that hyphonated words such as the name "Jean-Paul Sartre" will return" J.-P. S.". Examples:
AbbrereviateText ( "Paul Wakes" ) will return: P. W.
AbbrereviateText ( "Mary Jane Andrews" ) will return: M. J. A.
AbbrereviateText ( "Jean" ) will return: J.
AbbrereviateText ( "Jean-Paul" ) will return: J.-P.
AbbrereviateText ( "Jean-Paul Sartre" ) will return: J.-P. S.
AbbrereviateText ( "as soon as possible" ) will return: A. S. A. P.
Bart Bartholomay, Florida Jan 27, 2013 |
i believe that in this country the hyphen is not used. In most cases a spaceis used, but I've also seen no space, too. You might want to think about a type parameter that could let the user choose. | ||
François Goulet, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Jan 28, 2013 |
Thanks for your comment Bart... When quoting a French author in a paper written either in French or English, I believe one needs to leave hyphens where required (as well as spaces) when using the APA sources reference style (e.g. "Jean-Paul Sartre" would need to be referenced as "SARTRE, J.-P."). Your comment did however prompt me to write a new cf. (that references the AbbreviateFirstName cf.) which will allow the suppression of spaces and/or hyphens that would otherwise be present when using the AbbreviateFirstName cf. alone. |
François Goulet, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Jan 28, 2013 |
By the way, the new custom function referred to in my previous post is named "AbbreviateFirstNameCustom" | ||
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