FindNewTimestampedValues ( data ; searchFromDate ; searchUntilDate ; searchFromTime ; delimiter )
Pull newer values from order lists of timestamped values.
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Richard Dyce - Show more from this author
Dyce & Sons Ltd. |
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FindNewTimestampedValues ( $$test ; GetAsDate( "23.02.2016" ) ; Get( CurrentDate ) ; "9:45" ; " " )
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Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
This function pulls data from a timestamped list of values (e.g. an audit log), sorted newest first. In other words it either pulls just the first x values from the list that were timestamped AFTER searchFromDate, searchFromTime, or returns ""
data : A timestamped list of values, e.g. "timestamp details¶timestamp details¶timestamp details"
searchFromDate : which date to you want to search from?
searchUntilDate : at what date should you give up searching the list?
searchFromTime : at what time on the first date to start searching?
delimiter: this should probably be a space, but you may have a tab-delimited "date, time, details"-stylelist of values.
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