Search Results
36 functions found:
1. | AddAddHiddenSortOrder ( values ; currentValue ) |
Average rating: 4.5 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Adds a number of BOM chars to the front of value lists for use in MagicValueList sorted pop-ups | |
2. | AddSortOrder ( values ; padWidth ; delimiter ; currentValue ) |
Average rating: 4.3 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Add a numeric prefix to a lists of values, with leading 0's for easier sorting | |
3. | Array.Create ( columnNames ; rowNames ; nullValue ; delimiter ) |
Average rating: 4.6 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Creates an empty text array for use with other functions found on this site. | |
4. | Array.GetCell ( array ; columnName ; rowName ; delimiter ) |
Average rating: 4.7 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Fetch the value from the named column and row in a text array. | |
5. | Array.SetCell ( array ; columnName ; rowName ; delimiter ; value ) |
Average rating: 4.6 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Set a cell within a text array - useful for creating sparse CSV data for virtual list export. | |
6. | BytesToDec ( hex ) |
Average rating: 5.0 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Converts MSB->LSB hexadecimal bytes to decimal | |
7. | CamelCase ( string ) |
Average rating: 0.0 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
A very simple, quick function for camelCasingAString | |
8. | ConcatValues ( listA ; listB ; separator ) |
Average rating: 3.5 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Quick and dirty recursive concatenation of two valueLists. | |
9. | CustomQuickSort ( values ; valueFunction ; direction ) |
Average rating: 3.5 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
QuickSort using custom evaluation | |
10. | CustomValuesGreaterThan ( values ; reference ; valueFunction ) |
Average rating: 3.5 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Values greater than reference, evaluated using a custom function | |
11. | CustomValuesLessThanOrEqual( values; reference ; valueFunction ) |
Average rating: 4.0 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Values less than or equal to reference, evaluated using a custom function | |
12. | ExactPatternCount ( text ; searchString ) |
Average rating: 4.0 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Case sensitive version of PatternCount | |
13. | ExcludePartialValues ( values ; string ) |
Average rating: 4.2 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Remove matches from a list that include string | |
14. | ExecuteSQLToJSON ( tableName ; fieldList ; whereClause ) |
Average rating: 0.0 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Returns the result of a simple query as JSON | |
15. | ExternalBaseTables |
Average rating: 4.6 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Returns a list of externally defined tables (no internal tables) | |
16. | ExtractAllTextValuesForKey ( json ; key ) |
Average rating: 0.0 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Extracts JSONString values from JSON at whatever depth | |
17. | FilterPartialValues ( values ; string ) |
Average rating: 4.0 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Exclude values that contain string. | |
18. | FindNewTimestampedValues ( data ; searchFromDate ; searchUntilDate ; searchFromTime ; delimiter ) |
Average rating: 4.5 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Pull newer values from order lists of timestamped values. | |
19. | FirstMatchIndex ( values ; string ) |
Average rating: 4.0 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Returns the index of the first value that contains the search string. | |
20. | FixExcelImport ( value ) |
Average rating: 3.0 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Cleanup imported numbers from Excel, suffering from rounding issues | |
21. | GetAsHexBytes ( number ; bytes ) |
Average rating: 5.0 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Displays number as bytes in hexadecimal format | |
22. | HiliteMentions ( text ; r ; g ; b ) |
Average rating: 0.0 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Adds a highlight to @mention tags within text. | |
23. | LayoutsContainingField ( searchString ; fileToSearch ) |
Average rating: 5.0 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Returns a list of layouts in fileToSearch whose fields contain the searchString. | |
24. | LetterCount ( text ; summary ) |
Average rating: 3.7 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Returns the letter counts within a string | |
25. | ListMentions ( text ) |
Average rating: 0.0 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Pulls out all @mentions from the text. | |
26. | LocalBaseTables |
Average rating: 4.8 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Returns a list of local defined tables (no external tables) | |
27. | MaxTokensPerLine ( text ; delimiter ) |
Average rating: 0.0 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Calculates the maximum number of tokens per line in the supplied text | |
28. | ParseCFParams ( paramStringJSON ) |
Average rating: 0.0 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Provides a unified, if slightly idiosyncratic, method for passing multiple JSON params into a CF. | |
29. | ParseName ( name ) |
Average rating: 5.0 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Parses a name into a JSON object | |
30. | ParseNameToJSON ( name ) |
Average rating: 0.0 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Parses english-format persons name into a possibly useful JSON object | |
31. | ParseParagraph ( string ) |
Average rating: 0.0 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Turns paragraphs using | |
32. | PatternCountValues ( haystack ; needles ) |
Average rating: 0.0 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Does a pattern count for multiple values at once, counting the number of times values in the second value list appear in the first value list. | |
33. | RandomChoiceFromList ( values ; required ) |
Average rating: 4.0 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Returns the required number of randomly selected elements from a value list. | |
34. | ReverseByteOrder ( bytes ) |
Average rating: 5.0 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
Switches MSB->LSB ordered bytes to LSB->MSB and vice versa | |
35. | ShannonEntropy ( text ) |
Average rating: 4.0 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
A function for calculating the entropy of a string - how difficult is it to encode. | |
36. | XORValues_18 ( ListA ; ListB ) |
Average rating: 0.0 | |
Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd. | |
A FileMaker 18+ internally recursive function, using While( ). | |