Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

cfCode128Mod ( pString ; pCodeSet )

Modified cfCode128() for a different Code128 font. Also reduce potential script errors.

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Philip Wang   Philip Wang - Show more from this author
106th Street Wheel and Tire

  Sample input:
4T1BK36B25U059897; "A"
1HGCR3F83GA022209; "A"
123456789; "C"
  Sample output:
Ò!7Mcy iÓ

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Love the excellent cfCode128 function from Tammo and Felix, but unfortunately I can only get hold of an incompatible code128 font. So in order to make this font work I changed some character codes in this function, also fix a little bit here and there, but main kudos should go to Tammo and Felix.
( Updated 06/03/2021: Fix the trailing 0 problem for code set "C". )



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