Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Search Results

8 functions found:

1.   cfCode128Mod ( pString; pCodeSet )
  Average rating: 0.0
Philip Wang, 106th Street Wheel and Tire
Modified cfCode128() for a different Code128 font. Also reduce potential script errors.
2.   FieldList4SQL(FieldNameList)
  Average rating: 0.0
Philip Wang, 106th Street Wheel and Tire
Convert a list of field names to the quoted format for sql use.
3.   GetMatchValueInList (ValueList, Seperator, MatchText)
  Average rating: 3.6
Philip Wang, 106th Street Wheel and Tire
Search in a value list for MatchText, then return the rest seperated by Seperator
4.   MyLookup(FullFieldName; MatchValue; ReturnFieldName; MatchValueIsNumber)
  Average rating: 0.0
Philip Wang, 106th Street Wheel and Tire
A simplied sql lookup function. Return only one row or data, but can have multiple fields returned. Requires function FieldList4SQL( ) by me.
5.   PatternCountMultiTotal ( Text ; SearchList, CaseSensitive)
  Average rating: 4.0
Philip Wang, 106th Street Wheel and Tire
It extend the PatternCount function to a valuelist
6.   RemoveEmptyLines(Text)
  Average rating: 0.0
Philip Wang, 106th Street Wheel and Tire
Remove all empty lines or lines with only spaces
7.   RemoveLinesContaining ( Text; RedFlag)
  Average rating: 0.0
Philip Wang, 106th Street Wheel and Tire
It will remove all lines containing the "red flag".
8.   RemoveValuesFromList(ValueList; RemoveCount)
  Average rating: 0.0
Philip Wang, 106th Street Wheel and Tire
Remove a number of values from the value list. Useful for batch process of a long value list.

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