CalendarDiff ( thedate ; gregorian )
Returns the number of days between a the Julian Calendar for a given date and the Gregorian Calendar
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Theo Ros - Show more from this author |
(if Inputdate contains June 20, 2005)
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Returns the number of days between a the Julian Calendar for a given date
and the Gregorian Calendar
In: thedate - a datefield in either Julian or Gregorian Calendar
gregorian - True (1) if the given date is in the Gregorian Calendar
False (0) if the given date is in the Julian Calendar
Return type: Number
To switch between calendars, use this like:
myJulianDate = myJulianDate + CalendarDiff ( GregorianDatefield ; 1 )
myGregorianDate = myGregorianDate + CalendarDiff ( JulianDateField ; 0 )
p.s. on Julian dates, do not expect Filemaker to return the DayOfWeek correctly.
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