Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Search Results

44 functions found:

1.   Asc ( char )
  Average rating: 3.8
Theo Ros
Returns the Ascii code for the given character
2.   BitChange ( value ; bit )
  Average rating: 4.4
Theo Ros
Toggles a bit in a value
3.   BitClear ( value ; bit )
  Average rating: 4.4
Theo Ros
Clears a bit in a value
4.   BitSet ( value ; bit )
  Average rating: 4.4
Theo Ros
Sets a bit in a value
5.   BitTest ( value ; bit )
  Average rating: 4.2
Theo Ros
Checks if bitnumber 'bit' in value 'value' is on or off
6.   CalendarDiff ( thedate ; gregorian )
  Average rating: 4.0
Theo Ros
Returns the number of days between a the Julian Calendar for a given date and the Gregorian Calendar
7.   Chr ( ascii )
  Average rating: 4.1
Theo Ros
Returns the character for the given ascii value
8.   DateToJD ( thedate ; gregorian )
  Average rating: 4.5
Theo Ros
converts a date into a Julian Day number
9.   DateToSortableText ( thedate )
  Average rating: 4.3
Theo Ros
Returns a sortable textual representation of a date value
10.   DayNameList ( LocaleID )
  Average rating: 4.1
Theo Ros
Returns a list of Day names according to the given LocaleID
11.   DaysToNextBirthday ( birthdate )
  Average rating: 4.1
Theo Ros
Returns the number of days to the next birthday
12.   DeleteValue ( list ; index )
  Average rating: 3.9
Theo Ros
Returns a list with value at position 'index' removed
13.   FieldRepeats ( repeatingField ; 1 )
  Average rating: 4.3
Theo Ros
Returns the true number of repetitions for a repeating field
14.   FieldRepeatsByName ( "fieldName" )
  Average rating: 4.0
Theo Ros
Returns the true number of repetitions for a repeating field
15.   FindValues ( list ; searchString ; matchcase )
  Average rating: 4.3
Theo Ros
Returns a list of all values from the original list that contain the given search string.
16.   FirstMonday ( themonth ; theyear )
  Average rating: 4.3
Theo Ros
Returns the date for the first Monday in a given month
17.   FlipDigits ( value )
  Average rating: 4.0
Theo Ros
flips decimal digits for textual sort purposes
18.   FormatDateLocale ( thedate ; formatstring ; LocaleID )
  Average rating: 3.6
Theo Ros
Formats a date according to a Format string and a given language ID
19.   Fraction ( number )
  Average rating: 4.5
Theo Ros
Returns a number as fraction text.
20.   GrayScale ( color )
  Average rating: 4.3
Theo Ros
Returns the given color turned to grey as compound RGB color
21.   HexToDec ( hexString )
  Average rating: 4.4
Theo Ros
converts a hexadecimal number string into a decimal number
22.   InsertValue ( list ; value ; index )
  Average rating: 3.8
Theo Ros
Returns a list with value 'value' inserted at position 'index'
23.   InverseColor ( color )
  Average rating: 4.1
Theo Ros
Returns the negative color for a compound RGB color
24.   IPToSortableText ( IPaddress )
  Average rating: 4.2
Theo Ros
Returns a sortable textual representation of an IPaddress.
25.   IsValidBankNumber ( banknummer )
  Average rating: 3.9
Theo Ros
Checks a Dutch banknumber for validity.
26.   IsValidIP ( IPaddress )
  Average rating: 4.1
Theo Ros
Checks if 'IPaddress' contains a valid IP address.
27.   IsValidSofiNumber ( sofinummer )
  Average rating: 4.1
Theo Ros
Checks a Dutch sofinumber for validity.
28.   JDToDate ( JulianDayNumber ; gregorian )
  Average rating: 3.9
Theo Ros
converts a Julian Day number into a Filemaker date
29.   JoinRepetitions ( repeatingField ; delimiter; start ; nRepeats )
  Average rating: 3.9
Theo Ros
Returns all repetitions in the repeating field as combined string
30.   LastMonday ( themonth ; theyear )
  Average rating: 4.1
Theo Ros
Returns the date for the last Monday in a given month
31.   ListIndex ( list ; string ; matchcase )
  Average rating: 4.5
Theo Ros
Seaches a list and returns the indexnumber if found
32.   MaxValue ( lst ; value )
  Average rating: 4.3
Theo Ros
Returns the largest value in the list
33.   MinValue ( lst ; value )
  Average rating: 4.0
Theo Ros
Returns the smallest value in the list
34.   MonthLen ( themonth ; theyear )
  Average rating: 4.5
Theo Ros
Returns the number of days in the given month of the given year
35.   MonthNameList ( LocaleID )
  Average rating: 3.8
Theo Ros
Returns a list of Month names according to the given LocaleID
36.   NamedColor ( colorname )
  Average rating: 4.4
Theo Ros
Allows you to use CSS colornames instead of RGB() function
37.   NextMonday ( thedate)
  Average rating: 4.3
Theo Ros
Returns the date for the next Monday from the given date
38.   NumToSortableText ( value ; decimals )
  Average rating: 4.7
Theo Ros
returns a textual representation of a number for sort purposes
39.   PositionX ( text ; searchString ; start ; occurrence ; matchcase )
  Average rating: 3.9
Theo Ros
extended Position() function that can also work Case Sensitive
40.   SortValues ( list ; sortAscending )
  Average rating: 3.8
Theo Ros
Sorts the values in a list ascending or descending
41.   Space ( len )
  Average rating: 4.3
Theo Ros
Returns string of 'len' spaces
42.   StrMatch ( string1 ; string2 ; comparemethod ; matchcase )
  Average rating: 3.8
Theo Ros
StrMatch makes it easier to compare to textfields.
43.   SwapValues ( list ; value1 ; value2 )
  Average rating: 4.3
Theo Ros
Swaps two items in a valuelist
44.   ZeroNum ( number ; len )
  Average rating: 4.1
Theo Ros
Returns a number with leading zeroes

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