FormatDateLocale ( thedate ; formatstring ; LocaleID )
Formats a date according to a Format string and a given language ID
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Theo Ros - Show more from this author |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Formats a date according to a Format string and a given language ID:
In: thedate - a field or value containing a date
formatstring - a string like "DDDD, MMMM D YYYY"
LocaleID - a string containing the Language ID
currently supported:
"nl" -> Dutch
"en" -> English
"ge" -> German
"fr" -> French
"es" -> Spanish
formatstring can hold the following patterns:
"YYYY" : 4 digit year
"YYY" : same as "YYYY"
"YY" : 2 digit year
"Y" : 1 digit year
"MMMM" : Full month name
"MMM" : Short month name
"MM" : 2 digit month (leading 0)
"M" : 1 or 2 digit month
"DDDD" : Full weekday name
"DDD" : Short weekday name
"DD" : 2 digit daynumber (leading 0)
"D" : 1 or 2 digit daynumber
Return type: Text
FormatDateLocale ( Date ( 7 ; 9 ; 2005 ) ; "DDDD, D MMMM YYYY" , "nl" ) returns "zaterdag, 9 juli 2005"
For Month and Day names, the function uses the functions DayNameList() and MonthNameList() to get the names in the specified language.
If the LocaleID parameter is an empty string, the systems Language is used.
Theo Ros
Vogel, Heidelberg Mar 6, 2009 |
There is a problem here in that the function will replace the letters "D" and "M" in day or month names with the respective day or month number. For example, FormatDateLocale ( "27.05.2007" ; "DD MMMM YYYY" ; "en" ) will produce 27 5ay 2007 and FormatDateLocale ( "27.12.2007" ; "DD MMMM YYYY" ; "en" ) will result in 27 27ecember 2007 This can obviously be avoided by using escape characters (eg "#") around the formatstring patterns and parsing the formatstring accordingly: "#MMMM#" instead of "MMMM" "#DD#" instead of "DD" etc Thanks for the function though. I work in a mixed language environment... Cheers, V. |
Adrian May 9, 2009 |
Good solution. Only one escape character, not two, need be used. It's simpler: "#MMMM" instead of "MMMM" |
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