Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

DeleteValue ( list ; index )

Returns a list with value at position 'index' removed

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Theo Ros   Theo Ros - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
DeleteValue ( "John¶Paul¶Brian¶George¶Ringo" ; 3 )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Returns a list with value at position 'index' removed

Syntax: DeleteValue ( list ; index )

In: list - the return delimited list to search
index - the position (1-...) of the value to delete

Return type: Text (a list with leading and trailing returns removed)

DeleteValue ( "John¶Paul¶Brian¶George¶Ringo" ; 3 ) --> "John¶Paul¶George¶Ringo"

Theo Ros



Thomas   Thomas, Germany
Sep 16, 2017
This function is usefull but does not work in any circumstances, due to the use of LeftWords function. It does not seem to work properly with values witch are not recognise as words.
Theo   Theo, Hilversum/The Netherlands
Sep 25, 2017
Hi Thomas,

yes, the LeftWords function only recognizes "words". That is, if your list contains spaces you will first need to use the Substitute function to replace them with maybe an underscore or like in an url with %20 in order for Filemaker to see these values as a single word.

I'm not doing much with Filemaker nowadays, but i always missed having a real array, so we will have to do with functions like this simulating an that.
Gilles Plante   Gilles Plante
Mar 5, 2019

there is an issue with this CF, list is not acceptable as a name for a parameter. I am running FMPA 17. Maybe in the past that was not a problem, but now it is.
Gilles Plante   Gilles Plante
Mar 11, 2019

there is an issue with this CF, list is not acceptable as a name for a parameter. I am running FMPA 17. Maybe in the past that was not a problem, but now it is.
Gilles Plante   Gilles Plante
Mar 14, 2019

there is an issue with this CF, list is not acceptable as a name for a parameter. I am running FMPA 17. Maybe in the past that was not a problem, but now it is.

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