GetRelativeDate ( ~input )
Get the appropriate date for day names like today, yesterday, after tomorrow, …
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Udo Bösch - Show more from this author
Udo R. Bösch mipiano apps |
GetRelativeDate ( "today" )
GetRelativeDate ( "tom" )
GetRelativeDate ( "tomorrow" )
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
This custom function contains the relative day names in five languages: English, German, French, Spanish and Italian. English is the default. However, if the system language is one of the other four languages, the appropriate terms are used.
You can type the day names completely or only partially. You can type "today" or only "t" to get today's date. "tom" or "tomorrow" will find tomorrow's date. "b" or "by" or "before yesterday" finds the date of the day before yesterday, "a" or "at" or "aft" or "after tomorrow" finds the date of the day after tomorrow.
Use the function as an auto-enter calculation in a text field or use it in an OnObjectValidate trigger script to simplify date entry into a date field.
Note: these functions are not guaranteed or supported by Please contact the individual developer with any questions or problems.