Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

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4 functions found:

1.   FormatAsTime( ~time )
  Average rating: 0.0
Udo Bösch, Udo R. Bösch mipiano apps
To type in times more easily use this CF in the auto enter calculation of a time field.
2.   GetRelativeDate ( ~input )
  Average rating: 0.0
Udo Bösch, Udo R. Bösch mipiano apps
Get the appropriate date for day names like today, yesterday, after tomorrow, …
3.   LayoutIDsWithNames
  Average rating: 4.5
Udo Bösch, Udo R. Bösch mipiano apps
Get a list of all layout (internal) id’s with the corresponding name.
4.   PointOrCommaSeparator_to_SystemSeparator ( _input ; _resultAsText ; _4to6withSepAsDecimal )
  Average rating: 0.0
Udo Bösch, Udo R. Bösch mipiano apps
For numbers (with or without unit) coming from a text string, sometimes you don't know which decimal or thousands separator was used in the input. This CF converts the found decimal separators and thousands separators to the ones given by the system. The CF outputs either a text string that retains units or a number.

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