Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

JSONArray_ListValuesByKey ( array ; key )

A While() loop that returns a pilcrow delimited list of values for a specific key within each element of an array.

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David A Sullivan   David A Sullivan - Show more from this author
Mandelbrot LLC

  Sample input:
"[{\"foo\":\"bar\"}, {\"herp\":\"derp\", \"foo\":\"barrio\"}, {\"foo\":\"bat\"} ]" , "foo"
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Sometimes APIs give us back a large array of objects. Inside of each of those objects is a single value that we actually need. One good example of this is a device id. You query and API for a list of devices and it sends back an array. The array doesn't have everything you're looking for in it, but it does have each device's id. You can then use that id to query the API again for more details on the individual devices. So, you use a While() statement to peel out just the ids, then you loop through the list of ids.



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