Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Search Results

14 functions found:

1.   ArrayField_FoundSet(field)
  Average rating: 0.0
David A Sullivan, Mandelbrot LLC
Returns an array of each value for a specific field in the current found set
2.   FMtoISO8601 (FMTimestamp)
  Average rating: 0.0
David A Sullivan, Mandelbrot LLC
Converts a FileMaker timestamp to ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
3.   FQDN_cert
  Average rating: 0.0
David A Sullivan, Mandelbrot LLC
FQDN of the cert your server's SSL cert
4.   ISO8601toFM (ISOdate)
  Average rating: 0.0
David A Sullivan, Mandelbrot LLC
converts ISO 8601 timestamp to FM timestamp
5.   JSONArray_ListValuesByKey ( array ; key )
  Average rating: 0.0
David A Sullivan, Mandelbrot LLC
A While() loop that returns a pilcrow delimited list of values for a specific key within each element of an array.
6.   JSONArray_MatchBy_KeyValuePair(inputArray, matchKey, matchValue)
  Average rating: 0.0
David A Sullivan, Mandelbrot LLC
A While() loop that searches an array of objects for a specific key-value pair. Returns an array of indexes.
7.   JSONArray_SearchForValueInKey ( inputArray ; matchKey ; searchValue )
  Average rating: 0.0
David A Sullivan, Mandelbrot LLC
A While() loop that searches an array for a string within a specific key's value in each element. Returns an array of indexes where patternCount > 0. Requires FM21+
8.   JSONReadable (JSON)
  Average rating: 0.0
David A Sullivan, Mandelbrot LLC
Make larger JSON objects and arrays readable
9.   ListDeduplicate ( inputList )
  Average rating: 1.0
David A Sullivan, Mandelbrot LLC
Deduplicates a pilcrow delimited list using the While() function
10.   ListField_FoundSet(field)
  Average rating: 0.0
David A Sullivan, Mandelbrot LLC
Lists each value in a specific field for the current found set by using the While() function
11.   ListRemoveValue ( valueList ; RemoveValue )
  Average rating: 0.0
David A Sullivan, Mandelbrot LLC
Removes a specified value from a pilcrow delimited list using the While() function
12.   numEmpty(field)
  Average rating: 0.0
David A Sullivan, Mandelbrot LLC
Returns the number of records in the found set with a blank value for a specific field
13.   readJWTbody()
  Average rating: 0.0
David A Sullivan, Mandelbrot LLC
Reads the body of a Javascript Web Token (JWT)
14.   RFC2822TimestampConvert(RawStamp)
  Average rating: 0.0
David A Sullivan, Mandelbrot LLC
Converts an RFC 2822 timestamp to a filemaker timestamp

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