DailySerial ( AEfield ; digit ; format )
Autoenter a serial number that increments daily
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Daniele Raybaudi - Show more from this author
ACI http://www.aci.it |
DailySerial ( id ; 2 ; 1 )
DailySerial ( id ; 2 ; 2 )
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
This custom function can be used for:
1) Autoenter a serial number that increments daily
2) the format of the serial number is essentially: YYYYMMDD##
3) the serial number may have how many digits (#) you choosed
4) the format can be specified, so to have:
format = 1: MMDDYYYY##
format = 2: DDMMYYYY##
format = "": YYYYMMDD## <--this is the default result
The Auto-Enter field must be setted to always evaluate;
the custom function isn't recursive, so you can use it as a simple calc;
the custom function will work only with FMP8 and above.
Jeff, Chicago Jan 7, 2013 |
This almost worked. Output record 1: 070120131 Output record 2: 0701201332 Output record 3: 07012013333 Output record 4: 070120133334 Any ideas where this went wrong? |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI Jan 7, 2013 |
How did you enter the function? IOW, which are the values of your parameters? |
Jeff, Chicago Jan 8, 2013 |
AEfield: DailySerial ( Serial Number ; characters ; "" ) digit: 1* format = "" * I have since discovered that this was wrong and have changed it to a "2" Now I am receiving the following: 2013010801 2013010801 2013010801 note that It is not advancing to the next value. |
Jeff, Chicago Jan 8, 2013 |
Okay, false alarm and I have re-implemented the custom function and it now works well. Thank you! |
Note: these functions are not guaranteed or supported by BrianDunning.com. Please contact the individual developer with any questions or problems.