Search Results
56 functions found:
1. | AllFields ( start ) |
Average rating: 4.3 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns the content of all the fields of a layout | |
2. | AllMonthNames ( startMonthNumber ) |
Average rating: 4.2 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns all the month's names from a given month number | |
3. | AnnuallySerial ( AEfield ; digit ) |
Average rating: 4.3 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Autoenter a serial number that increments annually | |
4. | CheckCF ( Codice Fiscale ) |
Average rating: 4.1 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Only for Italian People | |
5. | DailySerial ( AEfield ; digit ; format ) |
Average rating: 4.3 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Autoenter a serial number that increments daily | |
6. | DashInsert ( text ) |
Average rating: 4.2 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns the given text with dashes between numbers and chars | |
7. | DataFormattata ( testo ) |
Average rating: 3.9 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Restituisce il testo inserito nella formattazione data: gg/mm/aaaa | |
8. | DayNameToDayOfWeek ( theDayName ) |
Average rating: 4.4 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
returns the day of week of a given day name | |
9. | DigitSequences ( text ; numberOfDigits ) |
Average rating: 4.6 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Extracts digit sequences | |
10. | DupesInList ( ValueList ) |
Average rating: 4.3 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns duplicate values from a list. | |
11. | Encode ( text ; code ; startValue ) |
Average rating: 4.2 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
A simple encoder | |
12. | EvenCharacters ( text ) |
Average rating: 4.1 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns even-numbered characters of text. | |
13. | ExcelNumberToTime ( ExcelNumber) |
Average rating: 4.1 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns the time in correct format for FM | |
14. | FirstQuartile ( valueList ) |
Average rating: 4.4 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
returns 1st quartile of a value list | |
15. | FiveCharsPermutations(text;number) |
Average rating: 4.4 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns all 120 simple permutations of the five characters of the field | |
16. | FiveFieldsPermutations (field1;field2;field3;field4;field5;number) |
Average rating: 4.2 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns all 120 simple permutations of the contents of five fields | |
17. | FixedLength ( text ; char ; charsNumber ; align ) |
Average rating: 4.2 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns a fixed length string. | |
18. | FormatAsDate ( text ) |
Average rating: 4.2 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns the given text as the valid complete formatted date: gg/mm/aaaa | |
19. | FormattedNumber ( number ; thousandSep ; red ) |
Average rating: 4.3 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns any gived number as a number formatted with thousand and decimal separators. | |
20. | GetEmail ( text ) |
Average rating: 4.4 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
It grabs all the emails of a given generic text | |
21. | GetFontSize(text) |
Average rating: 4.5 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns the size of the text font | |
22. | GetStyledWords ( text ; style ) |
Average rating: 4.0 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns all the styled words ( in list view ) within the given text | |
23. | GetWords ( text ; string ) |
Average rating: 4.1 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
It returns all the words that contain a given string | |
24. | IndianNotation ( number ) |
Average rating: 4.7 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns a number formatted according to the Indian notation | |
25. | LastRepNumber ( repeatingField ; maxRepeat ) |
Average rating: 3.9 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns the number of the last not empty repetition | |
26. | LatinUpperAlpha |
Average rating: 4.7 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns a string with all 133 latin upper chars | |
27. | LineNumbering ( text ; start ; suffix ) |
Average rating: 4.5 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns the given text with numbered lines | |
28. | LongestString ( text ) |
Average rating: 4.1 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns the longest string of a given text and its length. | |
29. | Median ( valueList ) |
Average rating: 4.0 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
returns median value of a value list | |
30. | MonthNameToMonth ( the MonthName ; start ) |
Average rating: 3.9 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns the month number of the given monthName | |
31. | NextDayNameDate ( theDate ; theDayName ) |
Average rating: 4.3 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
returns the date with the first occurrence of theDayName from the given theDate | |
32. | NextID ( valueList ; start ) |
Average rating: 3.9 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns the lowest NOT used number of a value list. | |
33. | NoDigit ( text ) |
Average rating: 4.8 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns the given string with no digit inside. | |
34. | NoRepDigit ( hightDigit ; digitCount ) |
Average rating: 4.1 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
returns a random number of "digitCount" digits with all different digits from 1 to "hightDigit" | |
35. | NumeroAStringaAlfanumerica ( number ) |
Average rating: 4.6 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Scrive in stringa alfanumerica numeri fino al massimo di 999.999.999.999.999.999,99 cioè: 999biliardi999bilioni999miliardi999milioni999mila999/99 ( 18 cifre + 2 decimali ) | |
36. | NumeroInLettere ( number ) |
Average rating: 4.7 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Converts a number value into a word in italian format | |
37. | NumToCText ( number ) |
Average rating: 4.6 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Converts Roman numbers in number to Chinese text. | |
38. | OddCharacters ( text ) |
Average rating: 4.3 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns odd-numbered characters of text. | |
39. | Omit ( text ; string ) |
Average rating: 4.5 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
This custom function omits the chars of the string from the given text, without any practical limitation. | |
40. | OrarioTestuale ( orario ) |
Average rating: 3.9 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Converte un campo ora in testo | |
41. | OrderedPairs ( listOfValues ) |
Average rating: 4.6 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns a list of all ordered pairs that can be selected from list of values. | |
42. | OutOfList ( valueList ; start ) |
Average rating: 4.4 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns a string containing the NOT used numbers from a value list PLUS the value after the last used number. | |
43. | pdfPageCount ( container ; result ) |
Average rating: 4.4 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns the pdf's number of pages | |
44. | SmartQuotes ( text ) |
Average rating: 4.6 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Changes quotes in smart quotes | |
45. | SortableTextWithNumbers ( text ) |
Average rating: 4.4 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns an alphanumeric string suitable for sorting mixed numbers and characters | |
46. | SpacedCharsAndDigits ( text ) |
Average rating: 4.7 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Puts a space between chars and digits of text | |
47. | Synchronise ( field1 ; field2 ) |
Average rating: 4.5 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Synchronise contents of field1 and field2 | |
48. | TextToCSS ( text ) |
Average rating: 4.2 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns a valid CSS, including all alignments, styles and colors of the original text. | |
49. | ThirdQuartile ( valueList ) |
Average rating: 4.2 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns 3rd quartile of a value list. | |
50. | Unicode ( text ) |
Average rating: 4.2 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns the unicode code of each character of the text. | |
51. | Vertical ( text ) |
Average rating: 4.9 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
returns the given text written vertically | |
52. | WeekOfMonth ( _date ; startingDay ) |
Average rating: 4.2 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns a number between 1 and 6 representing the week containing date | |
53. | WeekRange ( _weekOfYear ; _year ) |
Average rating: 4.3 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Given a week number and a year it returns the range of week's days. | |
54. | WordPosition ( text ; searchWord ; start ; occurrence ) |
Average rating: 3.4 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns the word number of the searchWord in the text. | |
55. | WorkingDays ( DateStart ; DateEnd ; HolidayList ) |
Average rating: 4.2 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
returns the number of working days between the two dates | |
56. | Write ( char ; times ) |
Average rating: 4.2 | |
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI | |
Returns a string of char repeated n times | |