Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

LongestString ( text )

Returns the longest string of a given text and its length.

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Daniele Raybaudi   Daniele Raybaudi - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
LongestString ( "This is a really long text string that Jonathan needs to display narrowly in a huge text field." )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

LongestString custom function

Author: Daniele Raybaudi

Returns the longest string of a given text and its length; if more than one string has the same length, it returns the last.
A string is definited as a space separated part of text.

I had to find a way to stop a bug of the good WordWrap CF by Jonathan Stark: it fails when the "size" parameter is lower than the longest word of the given text.



Greg   Greg
Jun 19, 2014
Hello, I tried implementing on a current text field, but cannot get an sample output. I created a new text field as calculation, and set it to use the custom function. Do I need to pass any parameters to the function?
Daniele Raybaudi   Daniele Raybaudi, ACI
Jun 20, 2014
You'll need to create a calculation field, result text.
Also you'll need the Advanced version of Filemaker.

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