Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

AnnuallySerial ( AEfield ; digit )

Autoenter a serial number that increments annually

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Daniele Raybaudi   Daniele Raybaudi - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
AnnuallySerial ( id ; 2 )
AnnuallySerial ( id ; 4 )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

This custom function can be used for:

1) Autoenter a serial number that increments annually
2) the format of the serial number is essentially: YYYY##
3) the serial number may have how many digits (#) you choosed

The Auto-Enter field must be setted to always evaluate;
the custom function isn't recursive, so you can use it as a simple calc;
the custom function will work only with FMP8 and above.



ravi   ravi, Lund, Sweden
Aug 24, 2013
I am trying to get a unique serial ID which resets every year in the format (201301 - 201302... 201401 so on). But when I tried this code above I am getting the ID as 201301, 2013001, 20130001 and so on) can you help me here to get this right.
Thank you
Ryan Thorpe   Ryan Thorpe, Vanguard Research & Title Services, Inc.
Jan 17, 2014
If you're using server, changing the year string to:

year = Year ( Get ( CurrentHostTimeStamp ));

will help prevent individual machines from providing an incorrect year.
Mack Chan   Mack Chan, Malaysia
Mar 2, 2014
Let ([
todayyear = Year (Get (CurrentDate));
todaymonth = Month (Get (CurrentDate));
lastID = GetNthRecord ( AEfield ; Get (TotalRecordCount ) -1);
lastMth = Left (lastID ; 2) ];

Right ( "0" & todayyear;2) & Right ( "0" & todaymonth; 2 )
& Case(
todaymonth ≠ lastMth or Right ( lastId ; digit ) = 10^digit -1; Right ( 10^digit ; digit-1 ) & "1";
SerialIncrement ( Right ( lastID ; digit ) ; 1 )

Why my answer is like that after I create the script.When I trigger new record, the answer like below.

Daniele Raybaudi   Daniele Raybaudi, ACI
Mar 3, 2014
Maybe that you haven't unchecked the box: "do not evaluate if..." in the options of your auto-enter field.

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