Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

HTMLPayPalCart ( itemname ; description ; mypaypalemail ; amount ; shippi

Generates an HTML Paypal ADD TO CART Button with the parameters you specify.

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Ryan Brandys   Ryan Brandys - Show more from this author
Branmuffin Industries

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  Sample input:
HTMLPayPalCart( "MyBook" ; "Priority Shipping" ; "" ; 50.00 ; 10.00 )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

This function duplicates the "Paypal Merchant Tool" that allows you to create a customized ADD TO CART button. This is very useful to anyone who wants to generate a few dozen Paypal Buttons on the fly and stack them in an HTML Table.

You provide this custom function with your paypal email address, the itemname and description, and the cost of the item and shipping. it builds an HTML FORM that is compatible with Paypal's system.

This function was developed by Ryan Brandys of Branmuffin Industries.

Contact Ryan Brandys at:



David Dunn   David Dunn, Nashville
Apr 17, 2013
This looks great. I'd like to see if I can modify it for a merchant account that we use. My only question is that I cannot for the life of me see how to make it interact with Filemaker. How do I get this button on a layout?

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