Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Search Results

4 functions found:

1.   FadeGreentoRed ( text ; score ; lowest ; highest )
  Average rating: 4.5
Ryan Brandys, Branmuffin Industries
Adjusts the color of 'text' between greeen->yellow->orange-red based upon the 'score' value.
2.   HighlightWords ( theText ; searchString ; start ; range )
  Average rating: 4.2
Ryan Brandys, Branmuffin Industries
Formats occurences of searchString within theText to look like the results of a Google search!
3.   HTMLPayPalCart( itemname ; description ; mypaypalemail ; amount ; shippi
  Average rating: 3.9
Ryan Brandys, Branmuffin Industries
Generates an HTML Paypal ADD TO CART Button with the parameters you specify.
4.   RoundToSigFigs ( number ; sigfigs )
  Average rating: 4.7
Ryan Brandys, Branmuffin Industries
Rounds a number to the specified number of significant figures.

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