ITC_list__DateToTextList ( valueList )
Convert a list of dates in the format DD/MM/YYYY to a list of dates in the format YYYY/MM/DD
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Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
This CF needs only a value: a value list of dates formatted as DD/MM/YYYY. It returns the same list of dates but in the format YYYY/MM/DD. Its scope is to provide a list valid for a correct sorting.
Its result can be simply sorted --like a text list-- with the Greg Lane's "BubbleSort ( valueList ; iterations )" or your own CF.
I suggest to calculate a Field/$var this way: myField = ITC_list__TextToDateList ( BubbleSort ( ITC_list__DateToTextList ( valueList ) ; iterations ) )
Please note that, after the list has been sorted, you may need to apply the companion CF "ITC_list__TextToDateList"!
US, UK users
Of course You can accomodate this CF to the date format MM/DD/YYYY. In order to achieve this, change the rd calculation row as below:
< rd = Right ( tv ; 4 ) & "/" & Left ( tv ; 2 ) & "/" & Middle ( tv ; 4 ; 2 ) & "¶" >
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