ITC_date__WorkingDayPrevious ( inputDate ; HolidaysList )
The preceding weekday of a given date (giving a list of all your closed days!)
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Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
I work a lot with manufacturing worldwide companies so for me, while creating to-do and BOM list, it's very important to know exactly if a process, which need several hours or days, takes place into ferial days or not. For example: B needs three days to be assembled, so If I want to deliver it on Monday I need to start and build it on Tuesday, because Fridays is the Patron Saint of my town!
I have to avoid these kind of situations and, because every nation/county has its own working calendar, the usual weekdays Monday2Friday methods were not fitting my need!
So I wrote these CFs (oh, yes, there is another CF that calculates the next working day: "ITC_date__WorkingDayNext"), that are very fast.
I hope they could be useful to you as they were to me.
Somebody has asked me why the name of my CFs is so long.
This is my notation way for CFs. Period!
The "ITC" trailer let me sort my CFs all together when listing them among others. The second part refers to the type of data is being manipulated: string, date, number... and, finally, the last is the CF's name.
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