Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

GetCountryCodeFromCountry ( Country )

Get Country Code from Full Country Name

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Andy Knasinski   Andy Knasinski - Show more from this author
nrg software, llc.

  Sample input:
GetCountryCodeFromCountry ( "Yemen" )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Convert country names to ISO country codes



Jack   Jack, London
Aug 30, 2011
No case checking? Yikes!
Andy   Andy
Aug 30, 2011
?? FMP is is not case sensitive for these comparisons.
Ward   Ward, Massachusetts, USA
Nov 30, 2012
FileMaker Pro 11 Advanced chokes on this line:

Country = "S„o TomÈ and PrÌncipe" ; "ST" ;

I replaced the accented name with "Sao Tome and Principe" from Wikipedia's ISO 31166-1 alpha-2 page:
Robert Woodhead   Robert Woodhead, Wilmington, NC
Jul 2, 2014
Handy function, but needs some updates to handle variants. Here are the edits.

GetCountryCodeFromCountry ( CountryName )

if(Left(CountryName,4)="The ",Right(CountryName,Length(CountryName)-4),CountryName)
;" & ";" and ")
;"&";" and ")
;" ";" ")
;" ";" ");
Case ( ... case list ...


And add the following case variants

Country = "Palestine" ; "PS" ;
Country = "Russian Federation" ; "RU" ;
Country = "Great Britain" ; "GB" ;
Country = "Great Britain and Northern Ireland" ; "GB" ;
Country = "United States" ; "US" ;
Country = "USA" ; "US" ;
Country = "Sao Tome and Principe" ; "ST" ;
Country = "Cocos Islands" ; "CC" ;
Country = "Keeling Islands" ; "CC" ;
Country = "Democratic Republic of the Congo" ; "CD" ;
Country = "Republic of the Congo" ; "CG" ;
Country = "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)" ; "FK" ;
Country = "Falkland Islands" ; "FK" ;
Country = "Malvinas" ; "FK" ;
Country = "Vatican City" ; "VA" ;
Country = "The Vatican" ; "VA" ;
Country = "The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" ; "MK" ;
Country = "Macedonia" ; "MK" ;
Country = "Micronesia, Federated States of" ; "FM" ;
Country = "Federated States of Micronesia&qu

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