Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Search Results

12 functions found:

1.   AddPrefixSuffixToList ( theList ; prefix ; suffix )
  Average rating: 4.3
Andy Knasinski, nrg software, llc.
add a prefix or suffix to each line in a list
2.   ConvertFMPath(FMPath)
  Average rating: 4.3
Andy Knasinski, nrg software, llc.
Convert FileMaker Path to Windows Path
3.   ConvertTimeStamp ( unixTimeStamp )
  Average rating: 4.2
Andy Knasinski, nrg software, llc.
Convert unix timestamp to FMP timestamp
4.   DecimalToHrMin ( aNumber )
  Average rating: 4.4
Andy Knasinski, nrg software, llc.
This CF will return a decimal value in a format of hour and minutes
5.   GetCountryCodeFromCountry ( Country )
  Average rating: 2.4
Andy Knasinski, nrg software, llc.
Get Country Code from Full Country Name
6.   GetCountryFromCountryCode ( CountryCode )
  Average rating: 3.8
Andy Knasinski, nrg software, llc.
Get full country name from country code
7.   GetFieldsAsXML ( theFields )
  Average rating: 4.4
Andy Knasinski, nrg software, llc.
Convert a list of fields to XML data
8.   GetListAsXML ( theList ; Element )
  Average rating: 4.5
Andy Knasinski, nrg software, llc.
Easily convert a list to XML
9.   MySQL_DateTime_to_TimeStamp ( DateTime )
  Average rating: 4.0
Andy Knasinski, nrg software, llc.
Convert MySQL DateTime value to FileMaker TimeStamp
10.   SSCCChecksum ( SSCCnr )
  Average rating: 4.6
Andy Knasinski, nrg software, llc.
Creates a checksum for SSCC number
11.   UnixFmpAppPath
  Average rating: 4.5
Andy Knasinski, nrg software, llc.
Unix path to current FMP instance (FMP v8)
12.   XMLEncode ( data )
  Average rating: 4.2
Andy Knasinski, nrg software, llc.
XML Encode Data with HTML equivalents

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