Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

LayoutCalcHTML ( text )

Layout Calculations - Builds a complete web page as HTML source, to output the text in a Web Viewer

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Jonathan Mickelson   Jonathan Mickelson - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
LayoutCalcHTML ( Count ( Portal1::RecordID ) )
  Sample output:
"3" displayed in a small web viewer below a portal

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Syntax: LayoutCalcHTML ( text )

Description: This function parses an incoming text string into a basic hello-world style web page designed for display within FileMaker Web Viewers. These web viewers can be used to mimic an often requested FileMaker Feature called "Layout Calculations", where calculations can be placed on a layout without having to clutter the FMP Schema with calc fields that are purely for GUI or display purposes only.

A second use is to prohibit modification of specific field data on a layout, while still allowing the copy and paste of the contents and scrolling of larger text fields, by the user, using scroll bars. This answers one of my long standing FMP feature requests.


text - Any text sctring, or text calculation result.

NOTE: Variables for colors, font, font size and alignment can easily be made into parameters, depending upon the need.

Output Format: HTML source code that can be displayed directly within a Web Viewer.


LayoutCalcHTML ( Count ( Portal1::RecordID ) )
RESULT = the number "3" displayed in a small web viewer below a portal.

LayoutCalcHTML ( Get ( RecordNumber ) & " of " & Get ( FoundCount ) )
RESULT = "3 of 12" displayed in a web viewer within a status area of a layout.

Author - Jonathan Mickelson, Thought Development Corp. (
Last Modified - 10/11/07



ht   ht, Atlanta
Sep 22, 2010
I named the function LayoutCalcHTML
The param is "text"

I put a webviewer on a layout

Now what?
What is the URL for the Viewer
Where do I enter the call to LayoutCalcHTML( "Hello")
Jonathan Mickelson   Jonathan Mickelson
Sep 22, 2010
The function builds a Data URL so the result of the function is the contents of a webpage, as needed by the Webviewer.

So, to use it the calculation dialog in the Web viewer would have only, within it:

LayoutCalcHTML( "Hello")

Which will result in a Data:url string of text that is a properly formatted web page that should simple say "Hello".

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