Search Results
23 functions found:
1. | DateByDayOccur ( yearNum ; monthNum ; dayOfWeekNum ; dayOccurance ) |
Average rating: 4.4 | |
Jonathan Mickelson | |
Returns the date of a specific occurrence of a day of the week, for a given month and year. Ideal for holiday calculations. | |
2. | FieldRepetitionLast ( field ; maxRepetition ) |
Average rating: 4.0 | |
Jonathan Mickelson | |
Returns the highest non-empty repetition for a repeating field. | |
3. | FormatAsFileName ( text ; extension ; lengthLimit ) |
Average rating: 4.4 | |
Jonathan Mickelson | |
Simplifies concatenation of a data into a suitable length OS filename. | |
4. | GetNthRecordSet ( fieldName ; recordNumStart ; recordNumEnd ) |
Average rating: 3.9 | |
Jonathan Mickelson | |
Calculates a return delimited and sorted, values list from related, or local, field data. | |
5. | GetObjectNames ( nameOfFile ; nameOfLayout ; nameOfField ) |
Average rating: 4.3 | |
Jonathan Mickelson | |
Given a field name, search a specifc layout for it's object name(s). | |
6. | HolidayListByYear ( yearNumber ) |
Average rating: 4.5 | |
Jonathan Mickelson | |
Creates a list of holiday names and dates for a given year. | |
7. | HolidayNameByDate ( myDate ) |
Average rating: 4.3 | |
Jonathan Mickelson | |
Returns the Holiday Name matching a Date, i.e. for a calendar. A dynamic holiday list is built within for stand-alone operation. | |
8. | JSONFromFields ( json ; fieldNameList ; excludeFieldNameList ) |
Average rating: 5.0 | |
Jonathan Mickelson | |
Builds a JSON Object {} or Array [] with each field's value as the correct type of JSON element | |
9. | LayoutCalcHTML ( text ) |
Average rating: 4.4 | |
Jonathan Mickelson | |
Layout Calculations - Builds a complete web page as HTML source, to output the text in a Web Viewer | |
10. | NumberRange_Explode ( numberRangeText ) |
Average rating: 4.4 | |
Jonathan Mickelson | |
Receives a string of numbers separated by commas, hyphens, or any multiple or combination or both, and returns a return delimited list of all whole numbers within the input ranges | |
11. | numOrdinalSuffix ( number ) |
Average rating: 4.6 | |
Jonathan Mickelson | |
Returns the appropriate ordinal number suffix (-st, -nd, -rd, -th) for a supplied number. Thus, 12 would return a superscript | |
12. | RemoveByValueList ( text ; valueList ) |
Average rating: 4.2 | |
Jonathan Mickelson | |
Removes matching words from a text string, based upon words contained in a value list. | |
13. | TimeFormatAs ( theTime ; type12or24 ) |
Average rating: 4.3 | |
Jonathan Mickelson | |
Formats time data as 12 or 24 hour time at the data level, rather than field format display level. Especially useful for users that desire 12-hour formatted time data. | |
14. | TimeFormatAsText ( theTime ) |
Average rating: 4.7 | |
Jonathan Mickelson | |
Formats a valid time value to be written out in long form with the words for how many | |
15. | TimeRound ( theTime ; increment ; forceUpDn ) |
Average rating: 4.2 | |
Jonathan Mickelson | |
Rounds a time field by a time interval and allows optionally forcing the rounding up or down | |
16. | TimeStampsBetweenList ( startTimeStamp; endTimeStamp; increment ) |
Average rating: 4.3 | |
Jonathan Mickelson | |
Calculates all the timestamps between two start and end timestamps with the given incriment value. | |
17. | TimeZoneAdjustTime ( startTime ; startTimeZoneUTC ; desiredTimeZoneUTC ) |
Average rating: 5.0 | |
Jonathan Mickelson | |
Converts a time from one time zone to another | |
18. | VariableDestroyAll |
Average rating: 4.4 | |
Jonathan Mickelson | |
When used in conjunction with | |
19. | VariableGlobalize ( LocalVariableName ) |
Average rating: 4.2 | |
Jonathan Mickelson | |
Changes the scope of a Local variable to a Global variable of the same name, with the same contents. | |
20. | VariableInitialize ( name ; initialValue ) |
Average rating: 4.4 | |
Jonathan Mickelson | |
Creates a Global, or Local, variable with the value specified AND logs it's instantiation to a centralized variable log | |
21. | VariableLocalize ( GlobalVariableName ) |
Average rating: 4.0 | |
Jonathan Mickelson | |
Changes the scope of a Global variable to a Local variable of the same name, with the same contents. | |
Average rating: 4.5 | |
Jonathan Mickelson | |
Calculates window coordinates from a desired window size for easy placement relative to common FM application objects, including an active field for dynamic window orientation to the users cursor in a field. | |
23. | WorkDaysList ( dateStart ; numberOfDays ; daysOfWeek ; excludeDatesList ) |
Average rating: 4.8 | |
Jonathan Mickelson | |
Creates a return delimited list of matching dates, from a starting date, for a set number of days, for select | |