Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

TotalList ( valueList )

Get the total of all number values of a given list

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  Sample input:
TotalList ("1¶.22¶.11¶xyz")
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

All the credits to Mr Geoff Wells ( who had written the original one.
Because the use of LeftWords() and RightWords() Geoff's CF was not able to properly add any numbers less than 1 to the total.
For example: TotalList (".11¶.22¶1") returned as result 34 instead of 1.33
Now TotalList (".11¶.22¶1") returns 1.33
Why the old CF was wrong?
LeftWords() and Rightwords() use not-alphanumeric chars as word's separators so:
LeftWords(".11¶.22¶1" ; 1) returns "11".
LeftValues(".11¶.22¶1" ; 1) instead returns .11



Rob Westergaard   Rob Westergaard, Davis, CA
Feb 8, 2010
Is there a situation where the following non-recursive function wouldn't accomplish the same task?

Evaluate ( "Sum ( GetAsNumber ( \"" & Substitute ( valueList ; "¶" ; "\" ) ; GetAsNumber ( \"" ) & "\" ) )" )
rivet   rivet, TO
Mar 18, 2011
Does not handle negative numbers

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