BaseConvert ( string ; baseFrom ; baseTo )
Convert a number (up to 10 billion) from one base to another.
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Debi Fuchs - Show more from this author
Aptworks Consulting |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
CUSTOM FUNCTION: BaseConvert ( string ; baseFrom ; baseTo )
//written by Debi Fuchs of Aptworks Consulting,
//bug fix by Rico Meier, MeiSol AG
Convert a number (up to 10 billion) from one base to another.
BaseConvert( "F1"; 16; 2 ) // --> "11110001"
BaseConvert( -5; 10; 2 ) // --> "-101"
BaseConvert( 255; 10; 16 ) // --> "FF"
BaseConvert( "-101" ; 2; 10 ) // --> "-5"
BaseConvert( -101 ; 2; 10 ) // --> -5
BaseConvert( "FF"; 16; 10 ) // --> "255"
BaseConvert( "-101" ; 16; 2 ) // --> "-100000001"
BaseConvert( "-101" ; 2; 16 ) // --> "-5"
BaseConvert( "FF"; 16; 2 ) // --> "11111111"
IMPLEMENTATION: See comments. No helper functions are required. Limit is set at 10^10 so that the math does not break down, as log calculations on large numbers can be incorrect.
LAST MODIFIED: 22-JUL-2019 by Debi Fuchs of Aptworks Consulting
Rico Meier, MeiSol AG Jul 1, 2019 |
To avoid an error by submit BaseConvert( "00"; 16; 2 ) -> 0? change this: // Return a 0 value if the string represents 0; string = 0 or string = "0"; Case( baseTo=10; 0; "0" ); to // Return a 0 value if the string represents 0; getasnumber (string) = 0 or string = "0"; Case( baseTo=10; 0; "0" ); thanks |
Rico Meier, MeiSol AG Jul 2, 2019 |
Sorry, this will not working because "AB"; 16; 2 will get -> 0. change to: // Return a 0 value if the string represents 0; ( length (string) = patternCount ( string; "0") and GetAsNumber (string) = 0 ) or string = "0"; Case( baseTo=10; 0; "0" ); |
Debi Fuchs, Aptworks Consulting Jul 22, 2019 |
Thanks, Rico, for finding that bug. I've edited the function and given you credit within it. | ||
BT Jul 8, 2020 |
Is there a way to increase this 10bilion limit? | ||
Debi Fuchs, Aptworks Consulting Jul 8, 2020 |
>>Is there a way to increase this 10bilion limit? Possibly...using the SetPrecision function in the right places. |
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