Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Search Results

11 functions found:

1.   AddOrRemoveValue( listOfValues ; value )
  Average rating: 5.0
Debi Fuchs, Aptworks Consulting
Speedily (and with no recursion/cleanup) remove all instances of a value from a list, or add it, if it's not there.
2.   Apply ( function ; value ) OBSOLETE USE ApplyFunction instead
  Average rating: 4.0
Debi Fuchs, Aptworks Consulting
Define an apply a temporary, anonymous function to a value
3.   ApplyFunction( function; value )
  Average rating: 4.3
Debi Fuchs, Aptworks Consulting
Define an apply a temporary, anonymous function to a value
4.   ApplyToList ( function ; listOfValues ; separator )
  Average rating: 3.7
Debi Fuchs, Aptworks Consulting
Speedily (using limited recursion and avoiding GetValue) apply an "inline" function across a list of up to one million items, handling them either as numbers/expression or as text.
5.   ApplyToRange ( function ; start ; end ; step ; separator )
  Average rating: 3.8
Debi Fuchs, Aptworks Consulting
Speedily (and using limited recursion) apply an "inline" function across a range of up to one million numbers.
6.   BaseConvert ( string; baseFrom; baseTo )
  Average rating: 4.4
Debi Fuchs, Aptworks Consulting
Convert a number (up to 10 billion) from one base to another.
7.   CullNulls ( listOfValues )
  Average rating: 4.2
Debi Fuchs, Aptworks Consulting
Speedily (and with no recursion) remove empty items from a list.
8.   IndexList ( size )
  Average rating: 4.4
Debi Fuchs, Aptworks Consulting
Speedily (and with limited recursion) return a list of up to one million integers from 0 to (size-1).
9.   NewlinesToReturns ( text )
  Average rating: 4.1
Debi Fuchs, Aptworks Consulting
In FileMaker 9 and earlier, remove any newline characters (ASCII 10) from the original text, substituting return characters instead.
10.   RemoveValue ( listOfValues ; value)
  Average rating: 5.0
Debi Fuchs, Aptworks Consulting
Speedily (and with no recursion or cleanup of empty values) remove all instances of a value from a list.
11.   Supertrim ( text )
  Average rating: 4.2
Debi Fuchs, Aptworks Consulting
Speedily (and with no recursion) remove leading and trailing white space (including spacing, non-breaking spaces, tabs, returns and line feeds) from a text string.

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